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“And so we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does…”

"…but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being."
    — Dr. Maria Montessori
(A Montessori quick bite from The Center for Guided Montessori Studies)
Welcome to Montessori Quick Bites – a new mailing list where will periodically send you a quote from Dr. Montessori and like-minded philosophers, as well as a discussion point we hope you will find enjoyable to explore with your friends.

Today’s thought for the day: What is the role for the Montessori teacher? Why do some schools prefer the term Director?

CGMS offers these professional development classes:


  • Language refresher
  • Mathematics refresher
  • Special needs
  • Visual and musical arts
  • Montessori primer of interest to classroom assistants

Please visit our website at www.guidedstudies.com for more information.

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