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“The mind of the child does not limit itself to the objects they can see…”

"…and their qualities, but goes beyond this, showing imagination. Children for whom a table in play becomes a house, a chair serves as a horse, who can visualize a fairy and fairyland, have no difficulty in visualizing America or the world, especially with a globe to help. ." 
— Dr. Maria Montessori
Education for a New World
(A Montessori quick bite from The Center for Guided Montessori Studies)

Today’s thought for the day:

What is the role of imagination in child development? How does imaginative play relate to the grounded activities of the Montessori classroom?

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In addition to our teacher training and certification, CGMS offers professional development classes in: 

  • Language refresher
  • Mathematics refresher
  • Special needs
  • Visual and musical arts
  • Montessori primer of interest to classroom assistants

Please visit our website at www.guidedstudies.com for more information.


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