from satisfied Montessori Distance Training Students
People Are Excited About CGMS!
If you would like to speak with a CGMS student or alumnus, let us know. In the meantime, we invite you to read what people are saying about our programs.
I am really enjoying the Elementary online program!I am finding the videos, readings and assignments very informative. It is exciting that I have the opportunity to take what I am learning and apply it in the classroom. I am truly happy with the choice of programs that I made! I can not wait to complete it and then earn my Master's. Dina Vasiliou |
The Special Needs course was great!This course was great and I'd do it again in a heart beat! Leslie Steeves, Montessori Teacher |
The CGMS Montessori Distance Learning program is exceptionalThe Center for Guided Montessori Studies has provided an individualized program to meet the needs of the staff as we transition from a traditional to a Public Montessori School. The Instructional Guides are knowledgeable and supportive. They provide guidance and inspiration to the students on an ongoing basis. The quality of this Montessori distance learning program is exceptional. The cohort model you have developed for us has made a positive difference for our Montessori Guides. Valerie Hannum, Principal |
I had high expectations and all were metI had high expectations and all were met. I never had a problem knowing what is expected of me, and the instructions and expectations were clear and to the point. Michael Horan, Graduate |
I love and enjoy the programI must honestly say I love and enjoy the program. Comparing the things I learn with "the real world", I can tell that the program does offer us a high quality education. The teachers in my classroom had a look at my Practical Life Album the other day, and they were in awe. They asked me to show them the other albums as I receive them as well. Doreen Creutz, Student |
I was truly challenged by the Math refresher courseIt was well worth time, effort, and cost! Deborah Resnick, International Montessori Consultant |
This course has exceeded my expectationsThis course has exceeded my expectations of a Montessori training program. It’s a lot of work with a lot of important information. Karen Cross, Student |
I never thought I would do anything like thisI feel confident that I have learned A LOT about the philosophy behind the Montessori method. It has been an adjustment for me to go back to school...let alone go back to school ONLINE! I never thought I would do anything like this. It is fun though, and very convenient. I LOVE the flexibility! Anonymous, Student |
I love all the different ideasI love all the different ideas and comments that our cohort posts on the moodle. In college I was a quiet learner, but with this online course it is imperitive to post your comments for all to see….at first this made me nervous, but now I like that I get to read what everyone else is thinking. I think it makes the ‘conversations’ more diverse and interesting. Sally Terry, Student |
The Adventure in the Arts Professional Development CourseIt has been thorough, organized, and clear so far. I put in about an hour a day online (5 days a week) for it plus time making materials. The lessons are presented sequentially, in short videos accessed online. Each lesson begins with an introduction to the material, it's purpose, and when and to who to present it to. After the introduction, there is another short video of the presentation being given to a child. Susanne Von Saalfeld |