Grades, Success and Tiger Mothers
David DeHetre, released under the Creative Commons License, some rights reserved “Once we have accepted and established our principles, the abolition of prizes and external forms of punishment will follow […]
Items which usually begin with a quote from Dr. Montessori followed by ruminations on the themes she has brought up.
David DeHetre, released under the Creative Commons License, some rights reserved “Once we have accepted and established our principles, the abolition of prizes and external forms of punishment will follow […]
“From such a system there comes forth a school where the children work for themselves – that is, they are free. In this freedom they work much more than heretofore […]
Marcin Bajer released under the Creative Commons License, some rights reserved “Often those adults who work tirelessly to encourage the habit of truth in the child surround him with […]
"Often what we call naughtiness on the part of the individual child is rebellion against our own mistakes in educating him. The coercive means which we adopt toward children are […]
"A child asked his father once why leaves were green. The father thought how intelligent his child was, so he gave a long explanation of chloroplasm and chlorophyll and of […]