1-888-344-7897 (US and Canada) or 1-941-870-1945

Teach with Spirit, A New Awareness (Part 1)

Presented by Dr. Janice Fletcher, this two-part workshop will explore your definition of "Spirit" and how your connection to "the teacher within" prepares you for your work as a teacher.

La Independecia, la Disciplina, la Lección de Tres Períodos

El niño desde su nacimiento busca su independencia  siguiendo sus tendencias ocultas y latentes.   Al llegar a la Casa de Niños, esta independencia se fortalece dándole la oportunidad de ordenar su personalidad encaminando de […]


Teach with Spirit, A New Awareness (Part 2)

Presented by Dr. Janice Fletcher, this two-part workshop will explore your definition of "Spirit" and how your connection to "the teacher within" prepares you for your work as a teacher.

Bridgemont International School Info Session

Bridgemont International School will host information sessions where they will explain their vision and plans for this new online Montessori program for middle school.