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Teach with Spirit, A New Awareness (Part 1)

Presented by Dr. Janice Fletcher, this two-part workshop will explore your definition of "Spirit" and how your connection to "the teacher within" prepares you for your work as a teacher.

La Independecia, la Disciplina, la Lección de Tres Períodos

El niño desde su nacimiento busca su independencia  siguiendo sus tendencias ocultas y latentes.   Al llegar a la Casa de Niños, esta independencia se fortalece dándole la oportunidad de ordenar su personalidad encaminando de modo indirecto la disciplina al ofrecerle trabajo significativo.  La Dra. Montessori nos dice que la disciplina se alcanza aplicando rigurosamente el método. En éste seminario virtual […]


Teach with Spirit, A New Awareness (Part 2)

Presented by Dr. Janice Fletcher, this two-part workshop will explore your definition of "Spirit" and how your connection to "the teacher within" prepares you for your work as a teacher.

Bridgemont International School Info Session

Bridgemont International School will host information sessions where they will explain their vision and plans for this new online Montessori program for middle school.